How does a hairdresser find place on our blog? Simply because the story is great!
Everywhere we observe that retail and services focus on their core competencies while putting on a successful overall experience. This is precisely the case in Mr. Brown’s Barber Shop in San Diego.
Already the classy exterior and the traditional, noble brand name in gold letters on the windows create a dignified entrance for a sophisticated Barber shop. By entering the generous spaciousness place you can immediately associate thousand pictures and stories of whiskey, cigars, pool, pubs and bars as well as Mad Men or Gatsby.
The team is dressed in the same old-fashion way, as the store is furnished. Each one is a character and pay homage to this ancient craft. In the original hairdressing leather chair you will experience a service with high standard, perfect skills and a lot of tradition. Considered to the current fashion trend and the hipster scene the hair and beard of the male customers will be treated and cultured with attention to detail, craftsmanship, best tools and products.
Who likes can buy after the treatment selected cosmetic products dedicated to the neat man. You will find the best beard oil, conventional hair cream, combs and accessories, such as bow ties and tie pins.
Storytelling has been a trend in brand communication for a long time. But now it is no longer just about an exciting story. It has to be authentic and honest and need to provide points of contact and keep ones promise. The idea of owner Lee is to create a brand which provides identity and where men come for service and stay to enjoy. He made it more than successful! So young and old come here and certainly share their experience later.
A visit is worth it especially with time to enjoy the lounge, the pool table and maybe even one of the exclusive, private cocktail parties. We share this concept with you, because it is exactly what we are looking for – an inspiring experience which you like to share. Sometimes that’s just a visit at the barber shop.
Thanks to BB and the entire team of Mr. Browns and please keep on swinging the razor with so much style!