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The characters behind the projects is who inspire us with their individuality and passion, which in turn makes the projects lively and ingenious!

Michele Salati is a freelance art director and shows us his way of combining commercial work and his own self-motivated, free – sometimes wild – and above all really inspiring projects with passion and how both worlds benefit from each other.

Michele is a native Italian and his wife is from Switzerland. Together, they live in Hong Kong, where she is responsible for the Art Basel dependance and from where he works for campaign projects of advertising agencies.

We met him at BBH in Singapore, where he was currently directing a campaign for one of the biggest brands. Michele is constantly in charge of projects from Nike, Facebook or the automotive sector. At first he looks a bit exhausted and skeptical on us – then we fall into a valuable conversation about creative work.


Michele Salati

Michele Salati with Beke Fahrenbach and Rönke von der Heide by INSPIRED EXPERIENCE

Michele said „Everything is there – you just have to connect it“.

Creativity is not a planned process. It’s about how you see things, change perspective, and cross-link things. That is why it is so important to pursue one’s own, different interests, to develop passions and to give them time and space.

Michele decided to make his safe money with the big advertising projects. But even that only as a freelancer to keep it alternating and exciting.


„Fast and wild, keeps you fresh!“

Michele is ambitious and knows that you have to give a lot to achieve something. Sometimes he misses young talents to gather in with time, energy and passion. Simply because he is convinced of MAKING. Michele wants to make things true – develop, be creative and implement. That’s also why he is not a creative director as an executive employee – the social and political intermezzo disturbs creativity and prevents many good ideas.

This intrinsic motivation to move, try and create something is omnipresent and excites us. He follows impulses and ideas that come to his mind. But the bottom line is – he takes them seriously and follows them. In exchange for each paid project, he takes his time and realizes his own projects – sometimes artistic and crazy – sometimes simple and ingenious – but above all visionary, because they follow an idea.


If Michele moves something, he has to express it.

For example, when he was appalled that the city of Barcelona wanted to drive away the numerous beer sellers on the street – even though they are a important part of the authentic flair in the small streets. He literally built a statue for them, looked for supporters and started to let an idea fly. It has developed a media hype, a lot of interest and reactions from the population and a numerous sold souveniers and art objects – check it out.

It is paradoxical – you can hardly imagine that Michele is bored at one time and at the same time his motivated ideas seem to emerge at that point. When he was bored with his own T-shirts, he brought together artists, illustrators and friends and created a collection of their favorite foods – like cheese on macaroni – which they even sell today.

Our highlight is that he missed so much Italian food in Asia that he set up an Internet platform – rent a mamma. In the beginning himself visited the Italian mums and portrayed the first ones online – today it has grown so that moms around the world are represented – ready to cook in your kitchen with much love and italian spirit. Again, an idea became reality and even a business model.

Be sure to check out all his projects at !

In the future, Michelle would like to develop more products – it remains interesting!

Michele draws our attention to how often people use the word “interesting” and how rarely one knows what is really meant. Sure – many things can be described as interesting and meant may be unusual – but for a good conversation is just interesting – what makes it so interesting. 😉

If you share your thoughts, openly and honestly dares – something new, exciting can arise!

For us in this case a special connection to Michele with great conversations, which is what INSPIRED EXPERIENCE is all about – to share and inspire!

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